Claire Mork
Dance Artist
Artist Statement
Dance and joy have become quite synonymous to me. I don’t mean to say that dance always elicits a surface level happiness, but rather that it continually brings me to an embodied feeling of unshakable joy. Dance is an act of rejoicing in the freedom of expression, despite circumstances, or perhaps alongside them. I find myself constantly chasing that experience of unbound freedom and deep hope, whether it be through the role of dancer or choreographer. I am curious about allowing impulse to drive and creating from a place of surrender. My heart overflows with excitement when a group of dancers are moving together, because sometimes a good old 5678 is food for the soul.
Claire Mork is a dance artist, who enjoys the thrill of performing as well as the creativity involved in choreographing works. Most recently, Claire was a production cast dancer on the MSC Seascape, through RWS Global. She had the opportunity to perform in six unique shows, while working as assistant dance captain and assistant to the wardrobe supervisor. Prior to that, Claire performed as a playlist dancer on the Carnival Vista. In between cruise contracts, Claire enjoys the hustle of NYC and some breaks back home in Minnesota. Claire graduated from the University of the Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance in the spring of 2021, and she was the recipient of the Elizabeth Pulaski Scholarship in 2020. During her time at UArts, Claire directed and choreographed a handful of short dance films with the sheer intention of enjoyment. In addition to performing in these films, Claire has a heart for teaching and choreographing. She has been choreographing pieces for competitive dance studios and her own projects since high school. It is Claire’s biggest desire to find joy in movement and then share it with others. She hopes to spend the rest of her life chasing that feeling through dance.